Sunday, June 14, 2009

St.Jacobs Quilt Shows

It was in the evening of May 25Th that we all three of us attended the Opening Ceremony of the St. Jacobs Quilt Shows. because I was invited to the opening ceremony as a second prize winner of the Quilt Block Challenge, which was a part of the Quilt Shows. When we arrived there we realized that we were quite younger than most of the people attending there. Also my sister and I were only Asians, my brother-in-law, Chris Carey was only young guy there. but we were welcomed by the ceremony co-ordinator, Loretta Martin, who recognized me as soon as we went in. It was a really small community meeting kind of Ceremony. We heard very warm and funny personal story about a quilt life of one guest of the ceremony for a while, she showed us from her first quilt to the latest ones, telling heartfelt and hilarious stories involved in her quilt projects. and then the co-ordinator called winners to the front. It was a wonderful moment for me.
My quilt block that I challenged is the snowflake pattern with a blue ribbon on the right side of the vase in front of the quilt.
All the quilt blocks had been made a big quilt, which was so beautifully finished.
The finished quilt is going to be donated to the Ontario Mennonite Relief sale and Quilt Auction.